Do you set personal and professional goals each year? Did you know goals affect our performance by directing our attention to something specific. If you don’t set goals, 2023 is the year to start. If you do, how do you go about creating those goals and measuring them?

According to an article in Harvard Business Review, setting goals are important for self-motivation and drive, as goals give meaning and purpose to what we do.

Each year I set SMART goals for myself personally and professionally. You can log your goals in a paper notebook, computer, or mobile device. I advise you to write your goals somewhere in view so you can see them often. I write my goals in the ‘notes’ section of my phone. They are written out, rather than in my head so I can hold myself accountable. Some people go as far as creating vision boards for themselves. These are detailed lists of goals, dreams, and visions.

I start by writing the goals I wish to achieve by the end of the year. I then create monthly and quarterly buckets of action steps I need to take to move the needle forward. I am specific with my goals. For example, I might write something like, “ I am going to work on self-improvement.” My action steps would be to read more self-improvement books or listen to podcasts that focus on motivation, self-awareness, leadership, etc. My specific goals for each month would be to read one book each month and listen to one podcast once a week.

I am specific about the goals; I measure them by putting a check mark after the action steps I completed. I keep my goals visible in the notes section of my phone and visit them often, which makes me reliable and accountable. I create weekly, monthly, and quarterly milestones, which accounts for my timeliness.

If you were not able to complete a specific goal by the end of the year, carry it over to the next year if applicable and give yourself some grace. I have done this a couple times and do not beat myself up for not accomplishing a goal.

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